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Home > News > Disney will refuse plastic straws and spoons to the middle of 2019

Disney will refuse plastic straws and spoons to the middle of 2019

The American company Disney decided to mid-2019 to abandon the use of plastic tubes and disposable spoons in all theme parks, run by the company, media reported with reference to the Disney website.

The company said that now more than 175 million plastic straws and about 13 million disposable spoons are used in the parks annually.

Disney also announced that it will reduce the number of plastic products in hotel rooms and on its cruise ships by 80% in the coming years. The company will also stop offering plastic bags in amusement parks and on cruise ships, and will stop using disposable plastic cups.

Disney believes that these steps to protect the environment will set an example for millions of children and their parents, how to change daily habits for the benefit of nature.

Refusal from plastic tubes others have said a large international company, for example, hotel chain Marriott, fast-food restaurants McDonald’s and Starbucks.