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Presented the world’s first car made of plastic for 90%

The world’s first car, 90% made of different types of plastics, was presented in Japan.

As reported by RIA “Novosti”, referring to the NHK channel, a new concept car, which was developed within the framework of the government program to create innovative technologies and is the result of interaction between scientists of the University of Tokyo and car builders. Due to the use of different types of plastics, the weight of the car is 40% lighter than usual. Light weight saves energy and opens up new prospects for the development of electric vehicles.

The main thing in the car is that until now the use of plastics in the automotive industry was considered impossible because of their lack of strength. Scientists have managed to solve this problem using a combination of different types of plastics. This is the first car in the world, 90% of the important parts and components of which consist of plastics.